Consulate services
Passport service, registration and change of residence:
- Proceeds with the registration and re-registration of nationals residing in the consular district and issue the consular registration card;
- Receives requests to transfer new residents’ files registered in other consular posts
- Receives passport application and renewal files and performs biometric enrollment
- Proceeds to the delivery of passports and national identity cards after their establishment in Algeria
- Established certificates of change of residence.
Civil status service
- Transcribe civil status documents,
- Issues full copies of civil status documents for nationals born in the consular district
- Issues special 12S civil status certificates for nationals transcribed on the birth registers of the Consulate General in Jeddah
- Issues certified extracts of all civil status documents drawn up in Algeria by municipalities or abroad by diplomatic or consular posts, upon presentation of the family record book.
Document legalization and certification
- Certify the powers of attorney of Algerian nationals
- Certify the signature on documents of any kind of Algerian nationals
- Legalizes deeds and documents issued by the Algerian authorities and certifies copies of these deeds and documents
- Legalization of commercial documents
- Legalizes deeds and documents issued by the State of residence and certifies copies of these deeds and documents.
National service
- Receives the files of the national service and proceeds to the delivery of the documents relating
Thereto Social and legal service
- Receives requests for criminal record no. 03 and issues it to those concerned
- Receives applications for certificates of driving license capacity and proceeds to their issuance after their establishment by the authority concerned in Algeria
- Handles cases related to the protection of the interests of Algerian nationals within the framework of international conventions and agreements.
Visa Service
- Processes visa applications
Hajj and Umrah service
- Hajj and Umrah file management
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